
Local SEO Keyword Research Made Easy! Ep. 22 RankDaddy TV

Video Transcript

Hey guys, Brandon Olson here. Got another episode of Rank Daddy TV. Today we’re going to talk about keyword selection, how do you pick keywords for a local SEO campaign and how to create your anchors and how to get your site ranked incredibly quickly. Let’s go.

Here’s the question. How can marketers like us, working only part time and running our entire business from our laptop or smartphone, how are we able to guarantee insane results to our clients when the mainstream internet marketing gurus say that guarantees aren’t possible? That’s the question and this podcast will give you the answers. My name’s Brandon Olson and welcome to rank daddy.

Okay, so what I want to talk to you today is about keyword selection, keyword anchors, how to get trust to your site, how to rank multiple pages, interior pages like service pages, things like that, location pages. In the beginning of every SEO campaign the main goal is to establish trust. Google will not rank your site if it doesn’t trust your site so the Rank Daddy process is designed to build trust from day one. It’s a methodical, step-by-step, logical way to build trust. We start with the on page, we build to a press release. We use social signals to leverage the power of that press release, creating a viral scenario. Each step of the Rank Daddy process is designed to bring trust to the site.

Let’s talk about keywords. What keywords do you use? What keywords do you choose for a local SEO Campaign? That’s easy. You don’t need keyword research, especially in the beginning, because if you choose too many things you’re going to confuse Google and they won’t rank you for anything. You’ve got to make it very clear what you’re trying to rank for with Google, especially in the beginning of a campaign. Once you have trust it’s wide open, you can just, you can literally add hundreds of keywords, multiple locations, and begin to rank for everything but the first thing you have to do is get Google to trust your site. That’s what the Rank Daddy process does.

In the beginning of a campaign, let’s just say you’re working with a roofer. What are the main keywords if you’re looking for a roofer? Roofer, roofing company, roof replacement, roof repair, right? Now all you’ve got to do is add the city. What city are you in? Plano, Texas. Plano roof repair, Plano roofing, Plano roofing company; main, competitive, short form, core keywords, that’s what you start with. Just a few; three, four max to use as your main keywords to get trust built to the site.

The main meta-title of your page might be Plano roofing company, and then the vertical bar and then your company name. That’s your meta-title for your homepage. Now, your H-1 should be Plano roofing company, that’s it. Exact match to your meta-title, each one is the same. Google clearly knows what that page is about, they know what you want to rank for. Now, the content on that page is going to have words like roofing company, roofing repair, roof repair, roof contractors, things like that. Google will now know the main focus of your website is about roofing. It’s that simple.

They know where you’re located, Plano, Texas. This is now talking about a single location page, our website or maybe that’s your main location. Okay. If you have other locations, we’ll talk about that later about how to structure those. You’re going to run the campaign using those three to four main core competitive keywords. You’re going to use that match. The meta-title and the H-1, Plano roofing company, as your keyword anchor in your press release. That’s going to be one of your keywords in your web 2.0 links. The other web 2.0 links are going to be your other core competitive keywords. That is how to quickly get trust to your site. Keep everything simple, keep everything clear, Google knows exactly what your site’s about. Let’s say you’re three, four months in, the slight begins to rank. You hit page one for that term in Plano when people search in Plano, Texas or Plano roofing company, you’re coming up.

Now you want to rank for other terms so maybe they also do siding. You add a page on your site about siding, that page will quickly begin to rank because the site already has trust, if you do the meta-title and the H-1 properly. Set them so that Google knows that that page is about siding and the keywords that are similar and relate to the siding industry. What if you’re multi-location? You simply make location pages. Referred back to this in Episode Five, you might want to watch that video because we talk about exactly how to create location pages even if they’re 1500 miles away and they will rank because your site already has trust.

The site doesn’t rank for different keyword anchors and different keywords that you’re using as backlinks coming to your site. People think they need to make hundreds of different keywords because of all these little things that people search and use them as anchors to tell Google, “Hey, that’s what this site’s about.” Doesn’t work like that. Google will rank a site based on trust, period. How do you get trust? “Oh, Rank Daddy process does that, follow the simple steps. What does the site rank for? The site ranks for the words that are on the page of the website.

Trust … How do you get trust and what does it rank for? That’s it, it’s that simple, don’t complicate it. Don’t think about how things used to be done because Google has changed. Trust is the main factor. Google will rank you once you have trust based on the words on your page; most importantly, your meta-title and your H-1. Watch some of the videos in our Module Nine where it talks about how powerful an H-1 in a meta-title is. You do those two things and your rankings are already increasing because the majority of local businesses don’t know how to do this, they don’t know how to properly set their own page.

That’s it. We’re getting a lot of questions about that, I thought I’d shoot a quick video but in a nutshell, that’s the core. Remember, Google will only rank your site if it trusts your site. The next logical question is, “Well, how do I get Google to trust my site?” The steps in Rank Daddy logically and naturally provide a way to get trust built to a site incredibly fast. If you follow them closely, if you pick only three, maybe four short competitive keywords as your anchors, your keywords as you run through the process.

That’s it, man. Any questions, shoot me a message. You can find all my contacts at brandonolson.com. Subscribe to this podcast, Brown Apple, Google Play, Spotify, Sound Cloud, a whole bunch of stuff. See you in the next one. Have a good one.

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